Kill -9 $$
Dec. 4, 2010 1:06 p.m.Connection closed by remote host.
Well, that's it folks. Kiwicon 4, pwned, privesced, rm -rf /'ed. We're done. Thanks everyone for coming; hope you all had a damn good con. The Crue, surprisingly, had it pretty smooth - almost like we've done this before - now we can relax, knowing that the hackers of Australasia will have something new to wear for 2011. Yay clean shirts!
Guidance is Internal
Nov. 25, 2010 9:47 a.m.We're on final launch prep, have activated Reston 5, and you all know that once you go to comms channel S, there's no abort. If you're in town tonight, come past The Thistle Inn for the joint NZ-ISIG meeting - security dudes drinking beer - whaddayou care why.
Lineup Change, Impending Doom
Nov. 16, 2010 1:23 p.m.Unfortunately, Roberto Suggi Liverani has had to pull out for family reasons, leaving us with a hole in the Kiwicon schedule. While this saddens us all, we're pleased as punch to announce the replacement; Immunity's Sean Heelan will be presenting his talk "Code Analysis Carpentry". Check it out on the talks page.
Merch Closed, All Aboard the SQL_Engine.jsp
Nov. 5, 2010 5:38 p.m.Final numbers for merchandise are at the screen printers, so at this time the shop has stopped taking orders for tshirts and hoodies. There will be some limited amount of tshirts available at the venue for purchase.
Minor Schedule Tweaks
Oct. 24, 2010 4 p.m.A few minor changes to the schedule times as we shake it down into the final state. The schedule is now also available in ical so you can add it to your Outlook, ha ha.